I drew my name out of the magic goblet to save all of the magical eggs from the evil dragon who lived in a fantasy world. My mission was to find the top secret special egg that would save all of the others if I opened its shell. I walk through the field of glowing eggs as they glow from pink to blue and back to pink. They are beautiful and I am enthralled in their light. 

I then spot the magic egg, and as I continue to walk towards it, I see the dragon, but it’s trapped in a huge crate. Who was able to trap the dragon? All of a sudden, the dragon breaks free from the crate, and attempts to use its tail to knock me off my feet. 

As I get up, I take out my wand and proceed to use my magic spell to banish the dragon to a different land for the rest of eternity.All of the eggs start glowing brighter as if they are happy that I saved them and they are now safe. I take the special magic egg home with me, curious as to what is inside. The egg hatches and out comes a little fuzzy animal who is very cute and fluffy. I adopt this baby and we live happy every after and are best friends forever.

This adventure leads me to wonder if there are any magical creatures living in Chile like the dragon that I had banished. I’ve heard that there are all kinds of beautiful animals living there and Easter Island that I am excited to search for.

By Olivia

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