In the following story, I used three background sounds: background conversation, birds chirping, and a fountain. As each of these things were mentioned in the story, I included them when relevant. I used the fade in and out feature for the sounds, to give the effect of me getting closer or further away.
It was a beautiful sunny day when I decided to take a walk through Bicentennial park in Santiago, Chile. I was very excited to see all of the people living their lives, and the many dogs being walked in the green grass under the warm sunlight. It was a busy Saturday, and many people were out having picnics or just chatting with friends over a coffee. I took it all in, and sat on a bench next to a fountain and watched the people walk by.
A dog came up to me and started sniffing my shoes. I was so happy to pet this dog, because I really missed mine at home while I was gone. The dog’s parent asked me where I was from and I told her “Estados Unidos”, which is one of the only phrases I know in Spanish.
After petting this dog, I smiled at her and said “que tenga un lindo día”, which translates to “have a nice day”. She said the same and so I got up and made my way back to the hotel through the park observing the birds that were trying to scavenge for some food from the picnickers. I gave some bread from my leftover sandwich and then finished my walk back to the hotel.