In this unit, I learned new ways of capturing the meaning behind photos, whether it be the feeling that you’re intended to feel from the photographer, or the features that are meant to stand out.

From researching the tips, I now see them everywhere in all kinds of places, such as advertisements for businesses and companies. I learned that photography is very strategic and is a powerful tool in channeling people towards certain behaviors and reactions, which is what I was attempting to do for the reader in the “Beautifying World” assignment (2 Stars).

A picture truly does say a thousand words, and I learned that in this unit. It really is a story in itself as exhibited in the assignment about the dragon in “A Story in Photos” assignment (5 Stars), because it can be adjusted and edited individually, depending on the photographer’s signature style.

Below is a link to the story map that I created of our trip to Chile, and below that is the story that I created based on the locations featured on the map.

By Olivia

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