What is Design?
Design is the strategic arrangement of elements to create a message. It includes things like utility, meaning, as well as aesthetics. When most people think of the “design” of something, they think of what it looks like, but it is more than that.

We are all Artists?
In “We are all Artists”, we learned that everyone is capable of creating art. Creativity is not confined to just physical art forms, but it also includes music, literature, and other forms, that are not physically viewed. Art is all around us, even when we don’t realize it. It engulfs our lives in the best way possible.
Design Safari and Blog Post(s)
Participating in a “design safari” made me stop and think about my environment in a deeper way that I normally would have. I thought about what each aspect contributes to the entire scene. Such as colors, shapes, and positioning of objects. I am looking forward to using what I’ve learned from this exercise while taking photos in Chile.
I engaged in 4 design assignments:
Newspaper Article: I wrote up a newspaper article about me attempting to pet an Alpaca and the local newspaper in Chile writing about it.
Destination Poster: I created a story that I was chosen to create a travel poster to put in major cities to help with tourism to Chile.
Vogue Challenge: I edited a photo of myself to be in front of the Moai, and experimented with filters on myself.
Wrap Text Design: I blurred the background of a photo of a couple of Moai statues, and put a short quote around it. I created a story that I was addressing the students at UMW about the benefits of traveling with CIE.
Lastly, this week’s daily create explored the art of photoshop, specifically how to use this tool to create a whole new scene. In this case, I took the leaning tower of Pisa in Italy, and edited it into a background of Anakena Beach, which is on Easter Island in Chile. This was a good exercise for this unit of design because we had just began experimenting with Pixlr Express, learning how to change and edit backgrounds of photos.